Most people between their 20s to 40s think that they have their entire lives ahead of them. For this reason, most younger individuals do not engage in estate...

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Our Blog
Estate Planning Challenges That Come With Cohabitation
Cohabitation without marriage has become an increasingly common way of life for people in the United States. For older individuals, cohabitation is often...
Challenges With Naming Minors as Beneficiaries
It is a natural impulse to want to name children, grandchildren, or other descendants to inherit a portion of assets in your estate plan. The naming of a...
Avoid These Common Estate Planning Mistakes
Sometimes, estate planning is simple. More often than not, however, estate planning is a complex process with significant complications. Regardless of the...
Appreciating the Nature of Fiduciary Litigation
It can be challenging to decide when to retain the assistance of a lawyer when navigating estate planning issues. The following are some important details...
What You Should Know About Family Advancement Sustainability Trusts
Many people create estate plans to achieve certain financial objectives, but it is just as important to make sure that estate plans can satisfy “softer”...
Three Reasons to Think Twice About Durable Power of Attorney and Medicaid Planning
A durable power of attorney refers to a legal arrangement that is frequently used to deal with a person’s incapacity. While it is often a grim subject to...
Six Non-Financial Assets to Include in Your Estate Plan
Most estate planning lawyers are capable of doing an excellent job creating an estate plan to address the transfer of financial assets. It is often the case,...
Estate Planning Advice for People Nearing Tax-Exemption Limits
Taxes are often said to be one of the few unavoidable parts of life. The degree to which you end up paying taxes, however, can change substantially. Even...